Wedding season comes to an end for 2014 and I look back at all the celebrations with pleasure, knowing well that I have found a place in my heart for each wedding couple. The weddings were all beautiful and unique, all varied in terms of location, size, feeling and design. However , what they all shared was the happiness and excitement pervading the day; the smiles,the laughter, the moments of awe….even tears were joyful. As the photographer, I felt the importance of not only SEEING the moments of the day pass in front of my camera, but also FEELING them, with the knowledge that each image is what remains after the day is over. Yes, there are memories,but time fades the details, and it is only in a photograph that we can study with clarity the special moments. It has always been a joy to me to sit with my parent’s wedding albums and look at the portraits of friends and family for hours at a time, again and again. Some of the people are no longer with us, which makes the images priceless. As a photographer, I am honored to capture the moments as I see and feel them, knowing that they will be cherished and preserved by generations yet to come. Thank you to all my wedding couples!